Network Rail Top 10 Milestone: Feeder F2011 Entry-into-Service
Commissioning and Entry-into-Service (EIS) update! F2011 HV Pilot Commissioning and EIS was successfully achieved this past weekend. The most complicated longest single HV feeder route renewed for Network Rail Wessex for many years.
Lowery is delighted to have safely delivered the new asset, a top 10 milestone achievement for Network Rail equivalent to 8.03 CP6 ORR reportable volumes on our Package 6 framework.
A complicated and extensive single high voltage feeder route. The route itself includes 5 UTXs, URXs, routes through platforms, bridge decks, train depots, designated access paths, TOC lease station car parks, 3rd party land, steep embankments involving blockade working and cable train deployments.
Lowery would also like to recognise and thank the NR Southern Capital Delivery team for their collaboration and support throughout and particularly the maintainer, asset team, property team and possession planning teams for their invaluable support in developing the scheme and unlocking key access points.
Network Rail commended Lowery's work citing: "complex work under difficult conditions - [a] great achievement!"
Lowery Director (Power & Track) Daniel Burge commended the delivery team: "Thank you for all the efforts involved in the safe and successful commissioning of the 2011 HV feeder. Well done to all involved and a great milestone achievement. Please stay safe in the close out of the remaining works".
Images shown are from the commissioning inspection of the works and construction one of the UTXs, on the Brighton Main Line (BML) in this instance.