FSI Engagement
In October 2012, following an introduction from Nick Eliott, Regional Director of Network Rail at a Network Rail Supplier’s Forum, Lowery embarked on a relationship with FSI Europe regarding the engagement of ex-military Gurkha staff on Lowery contracts. Although these staff would be without any rail experience, the opportunity of working with former Gurkha trained staff was of interest. It was of our belief that the culture, attitude and commitment of these operatives would be exemplary.
Following supplier approval, basic trackside training courses were arranged and completed. FSI Staff were then placed with and mentored by Lowery’s experienced team leader, Richard Downes. Confidence in the FSI gang’s abilities was built up, with relationships made both on site and between the two party’s management teams.
Following recommendations from Richard, key staff within the FSI gang were upgraded to COSS level. This opened up the opportunity for the creation of the first ever self-contained cable route installation gang working on Network Rail infrastructure made up entirely from Nepalese ex-military Gurkha staff. The efforts of Lowery staff did not go unnoticed by the FSI team. As a mark of their appreciation for Richard Downes’, an award of a Gurkha Kukri knife was made for his continued support and mentoring of FSI staff
Lowery look forward to a long and successful relationship with FSI staff.