Lowery Ltd HSQE – COVID-19 Marshalls
Lowery Ltd are always looking at new innovations to keep our staff and those around us safer.
The Covid-19 pandemic is still unfortunately with us so we must continue do everything we can to stop the spread.
In 2020 we introduced several innovative measures to help minimise the spread of the virus.
One most recent measure is the introduction of the site “COVID-19 Marshall”.
Every work group will appoint a COVID-19 Marshall to act on behalf of the group. The appointed Marshall will ensure that social distancing is always adhered to.
We have encouraged our staff to nominate on each shift a different team member to take up the role of COVID-19 Marshall.
Lowery Ltd have supplied all of our staff with COVID-19 Marshall specific High Visibility Vests so they can be identified by the working group whilst carrying out this important role.
Lowery Ltd continue to promote - “Work together, stay apart”