LOWERY LTD – SIGNALLING AND CIVILS: Manually Operated Switches (MOS) Successful Completion
Lowery are delighted to have successfully completed the delivery of access platforms for Manually Operated Switches (M.O.S. Switches), mounted on OHLE masts as part of the SCS&T West Inner Project.
The challenging and complex project presented Lowery Signalling and Civil divisions the opportunity to design and build permanent platforms located in a number of locations and an innovative and collaborative approach was required to ensure the most suitable solutions were adopted.
Providing economic, sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions, a bespoke solution was designed to support the permanent platforms. This required the use of Mini Grundomat Piles, with a nonconductive GRP platform, supported around the OHLE mast and switch.
Track monitoring was carried out throughout the construction phase which enhanced the completion and handback process with Network Rail. The works were all executed with an extensive volume of working at height and the project was completed safely, on time and to budget.
The Lowery team are proud of yet another completed complex project and look forward to working closely with Network Rail on more exciting projects in the near future.